Young / Schauspiel


Their wildest dreams
Ein Projekt von Mable Preach


ca. 1 Stunde, keine Pause

für Jugendliche ab 13 Jahren und Erwachsene

Dates and tickets

Further dates are being planned.

„I rise / Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear.“
What is going on in the world? We trudge across its ruined skin, riddled with wars and conflicts, and we realise that we can’t go on like this. We have to act! But how? Develop resistive ideas, fantasize, and outline a different world to save the future? Certainly. Starting from scratch? Not necessarily. The past has provided a history of empowerment, visions and resistance. We may have to discard some of its points, but we can connect with others. So let’s make contact with our ancestors to see if they have something to contribute and to let them communicate with our dreams. Mable Preach and her team set out to live long-buried dreams, to discover our own and to try coexisting beyond racism, class and gender.

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