Ticket prices for the 2024/25 season
Flexible price system: Get the cheapest price by booking your tickets early. Prices may increase slightly during the course of the season.

Seating plan Staatsoper Hannover (PDF)
Ballhof Eins: A from 24,50 € / B from 22 € / C from 18 €
Ballhof Zwei: from 20 €
Chamber Concerts: 22 €
Concerts for Children and Young People, Kinderfest: 20 €
Christmas Concert in Herrenhausen: from 24,50 €

School students, students at universities and colleges, apprentices and participants of voluntary services who are younger than 30 years of age as well as recipients of ALG I (German unemployment benefits) pay a standard price of 9 €, 11 € or 14 €, depending on the event, upon presentation of appropriate proof at the entrance.
Holders of the HannoverAktivPass or the Region-S-Karte, or recipients of ALG II or welfare benefits in line with SGB (German Social Security Code) XII as well as recipients of benefits in line with the German Social Welfare Law for Asylum Seekers (AsylbLG) pay a ticket price of 5 €, 6 € or 7 € depending on the event.
All concessions may only be granted on presentation of a verifying document. Individual premieres, guest performances or special events may be exempt from these conditions.
30 % for U30: Persons under 30 years of age will receive a 30% discount on all performances of the State Theaters (opera, ballet, concert and drama). Proof of age must be shown at admission.
Visitors who can present a document attesting a disability of at least 50 GdB (degree of disability) will receive a 25 % reduction on the full ticket price. Visitors who can present a document that attests a disability of 100 GdB will receive a 50% reduction. If the disability pass is marked with B, an accompanying person receives free admission. The accompanying person's ticket can be booked online or at the subscription and ticket service.
Group Discounts
Book your discounted group tickets directly in our Webshop. You can save up to 25% of the ticket price depending on the size of your group!
From 10 persons 10% reduction
From 20 persons 15% reduction
From 30 persons 20% reduction
From 50 persons 25% reduction
Our General Terms and Conditions apply.
Subject to alterations.