Young / Schauspiel

Theatre Festival COMMON GROUND

Jugend spielt für Jugend international

coproduction with Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) Spiel & Theater, Leibniz-Universität Hannover and Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover

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Under the patronage of Lord Mayor Belit Onay and together with Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) Spiel & Theater, Leibniz Universität Hannover and Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Schauspiel Hannover is organizing the theatre festival COMMON GROUND – Jugend spielt für Jugend international. From 28.05. – 01.06.2024, youth theatre groups from Ghana, Malawi, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Hanover will present their productions.

For five days, the Ballhof stages will be home to around 100 young people with a total of twelve performances. Together, they explore with and on stage how they see themselves and others and what this means for their relationships with each other. Using their own aesthetic means and multifaceted motifs and languages, the young people aged between 14 and 24 talk about themselves, their worries, fears and hopes and appeal to everyone: We need a common ground! We want a future!

Admission to all festival performances is free. You can reserve seats for all performances in Ballhof Eins via Remaining seats for the performances in Ballhof Zwei will be allocated at the box office.

Ghanaisch-Deutsches Hochschulprojekt, LUH
Tuesday, 28.05.2024, 16:30-17:30h, Ballhof Eins

Sometimes we feel we don't know ourselves, where we come from and where we are going. Sometimes we feel others know more about us than we do and should know. Join us on a journey of discovery where we play the various images, we have of ourselves, of others, where we think we come from, what we think, we can do and who we want to be.

Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium, Seelze
Tuesday, 28.05.2024, 19:30-20:30h, Ballhof Zwei

We live in Letter near Hanover and we live in safety. There is no war, no environmental catastrophe, no existential threat to our lives. But what about the constant noise in the neighbor's apartment and why was my mother crying last night after her shift at the retirement home? My world seems fragile to me, despite all the external certainties, and so we move across our personal ice rink every day. Are we exaggerating? Shouldn't we be grateful for our privileges? Where does this terrible fear come from?

Ex-DS-Kurs Gymnasium im Schloss, Wolfenbüttel
Wednesday, 29.05.2024, 16:30-17:30h, Ballhof Eins

Das Erwachsenwerden fühlt sich oft an, als ob eine Welle über einen hinweg rollt. In diesem Tanzstück nehmen wir die Zuschauer:innen in eine andere Welt mit. In dieser Welt kämpft das Erwachsensein und alles, was damit zu tun hat, mit innerer Freiheit, Kreativität und kindlicher Naivität.

Studio Šrámkova domu v Sobotce, Tschechien
Wednesday, 29.05.2024, 19:30-20:30h, Ballhof Zwei

Jam is a production about desires, despotic upbringing and freedom. Conradin, a teenage boy, is raised by a strict and insensitive cousin. He has to cook jam, but he is not allowed to eat it. Jam becomes a symbol of an unattainable delicacy. The meeting with the polecat and the chickens seems to be a counterbalance to the cousin's terror, but the activities in the shed don't miss her attention. Is it possible to escape with impunity?

#sprachlernendesspiel-Projekt Goetheschule, Hannover
Thursday, 30.05.2024, 16:30-17:30h, Ballhof Zwei

A film crew visits the language learning class at Goethe School to shoot a documentary. But there are some secrets in the class. Who is behind the code name Black Cherry, who else knows about it and what is the mission anyway?

Außerschulisches #sprachlerndendesspiel-Projekt, Hannover
Thursday, 30.05.2024, 16:30-17:30h, Ballhof Zwei

The kiosk around the corner is everything: shrill, loud, bright, familiar, almost like a home. But who are the people behind the counter? What do they experience every day, who do they meet and what stories do they tell? We asked ourselves these questions and embarked on a theatrical journey of discovery into the colorful world of the kiosk.

Youth Developers Collaboration Theatre, Blantyre, Malawi
Thursday, 30.05.2024, 19:30-20:30h, Ballhof Eins

In the wake of a tragic incident that shook the world in October 2013, The Journey at Lampedusa tells the story of a group of African migrants embarking on a perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea in search of a better life. The production showcases the vibrant energy of its young actors and offers the discourse surrounding immigration concerns, xenophobia, and cultural conflicts.

KGS Pattensen
Friday, 31.05.2024,16:30-17:30h, Ballhof Eins

Frightening, disturbing, sad and distressing news determine our lives. We sympazise with the catastrophic conditions in other countries. We worry about our future and the future of the world. Sometimes it feels as if we can no longer be happy. But is that really true? Shouldn't every day have a moment of happiness? But how can you create this feeling of happiness? That's what we found out: we improvised, moved and danced. We used light and talked to each other. Each of us asked questions - to friends and together. Come and watch...

Çagdas Drama Dernegi Youth drama group, Türkei
Friday, 31.05.2024, 19:30-20:30h, Ballhof Zwei

Non-verbal play. The play is about how we are all the same in different ways. In both positive and negative ways. We all use three things: earth, water and gold. Earth and water are very important to our lifes. Gold is not as important, but some people find it just as important. How we deal with these three things also shows other similarities. For example, how we care about these things, how we are sometimes violent or selfish, and how we love possessions.

Darstellendes Spiel-Studierende und Gäste, LUH
Friday, 31.05.2024, 19:30-20:30h, Ballhofplatz

What can you hear? What can you see? What do you feel? What do you wish for? City Walks is a performance in which we explore the surroundings of the Theater am Ballhof together with the audience. We want to discover obvious, hidden and global stories in public places that can be told in Hanover, Blantyre (Malawi), Eskişehir (Turkey) and Sobotka (Czech Republic).

Inklusionsorientierte Theaterarbeit, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Saturday, 01.06.2024, 16:30-17:30h, Ballhof Eins

The diverse group of people who board the ship want to finally live their dreams. Because what seems so impossible on land is possible here! And not only that, because it is only through the dreams of the passengers that the ship picks up speed and heads for its destination. But where is the journey going?

House of Many, Schauspiel Hannover
Saturday, 01.06.2024, 18:00-19:00h, Ballhof Eins

With We are future the House of Many participants dream up their very own view of the future. They no longer pursue the question of who they are, but sketch out who they want to be. To give more expression to their dreams of a more beautiful future, they combine elements of dance and theater.