Young / Opera

Das Kind der Seehundfrau

Musiktheater für Kinder
Text von Sophie Kassies
Deutsch von Eva Maria Pieper
Musik von Robyn Schulkowsky

In deutscher Sprache

In German

Für Kinder ab 8 Jahren und Erwachsene

For children from age 8 and adults

Dates and tickets

„Du sollst wissen, dass ich immer bei dir bin.“
Somewhere in the far north, a lonely fisherman is paddling his kayak when he suddenly sees something that takes his breath away: A group of seals have taken of their pelts and transformed into human women. He falls in love with one of the seal-women and takes her pelt. She agrees to leave her natural element, the water, and to marry the fisherman, but she has one condition: After seven years, he has to return the pelt to her. They have a child who grows up happily, but the seven years pass quickly. Will the fisherman keep his promise?

Whether it is thrilling crackle of the icecap or the light-heartedness of a deeply-felt love: This Inuit-tale takes us into musically touching worlds of sound that go straight to our hearts. With Das Kind der Seehundfrau, Valérie Junker stages a story of love, loss and acceptance – topics that affect our own lives, too.

Musikalische Leitung Max Bilbe
Inszenierung Valérie Junker
Bühne Rhea Eckstein
Kostüme Winnie Janke
Licht Mario Waldowski
Dramaturgie Änne-Marthe Kühn
Xchange Matthias Brandt

Sängerin (Mädchen/Oruks Mutter) Freya Müller
Schauspieler (Oruk/Vater/Erzähler) Tommy Wiesner
Musiker:in 1 Max Bilbe
Musiker:in 2 Philipp Kohnke
Musiker:in 3 Jan-Lukas Willms

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