
Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Woolf?

by Edward Albee

ca. 2 Stunden 30 Minuten, eine Pause

Dates and tickets

Unfortunately there are currently no dates planned for this production.

It’s two o’clock in the morning. History professor George and his wife Martha return from one of the usual meet & greet-parties given by the university’s dean. On a whim, Martha has invited a young couple to join them: biology professor Nick and his wife Honey. New to the university and with no inkling of the abyss they will be introduced to over the course of the night, they step into Martha and George’s matrimonial hell. Fuelled by plenty of alcohol, the latter launch into their creative couple’s performance – fulminant in their rage, poignant in their sadness and unrivalled in their outrageousness and wit.
Following Nackt über Berlin by Axel Ranisch (2019/20), Monte Rosa by Theresa Dopler (2021/22) and Shakespeare’s Richard III. (2023/24), Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Woolf? (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf) by Edward Albee is the fourth production at Schauspiel Hannover for Matthias Rippert, a director who is always looking for the comical within the catastrophe.

Bühne Fabian Liszt
Kostüme Johanna Lakner
Licht Christoph Schmidt, Mario Waldowski
Dramaturgie Barbara Kantel

Martha Irene Kugler