
Le Nozze di Figaro

Die Hochzeit des Figaro

Opera buffa by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–1791)
Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte

In Italian with German surtitles

3 hours 15 minutes, one intermission

For adults and young people from age 14

Dates and tickets

Unfortunately, no further dates are planned for this production.

Does a happy ending have to be realistic?
Not if we have this much fun on the road towards it!

Figaro is determined to marry Susanna today. But everything seems to go wrong before he finally reaches this goal, and all kinds of absurdities and discords must be overcome before the perhaps most beautiful apology in musical history can be made – “Perdono, perdono…”, pardon, pardon! The complete title of the opera The Marriago of Figaro or The Follies of One Day is something of an understatement: No other tangle of love is quite as unhinged as this one. Director Lydia Steier reveals the characters’ equally frivolous and melancholy desires with the same mixture of opulence and twisted humour that she used to give La Juive and Alcina their distinctive glamour.

Musikalische Leitung Masaru Kumakura
Inszenierung Lydia Steier
Bühne, Video Momme Hinrichs
Szenische Einstudierung der Wiederaufnahme Valérie Junker
Dramaturgie Martin Mutschler

Graf Almaviva Darwin Prakash
Gräfin Almaviva Kiandra Howarth
Cherubino Nina van Essen
Marcellina Ruzana Grigorian
Don Curzio Fabio Dorizzi / Marco Lee
Barbarina Luisa Mordel

Statisterie der Staatsoper Hannover,